VPI’s loan policy ensures the long-term conservation of specimens while maximizing their scientific utility.
The loan policy is hosted here, and can be downloaded to your device.
Submit loan requests by email using the template below.
- Requestor’s Name (First, Last and Investigator’s name, if different)
- Requestor’s Email (and Investigator’s email, if different)
- Index Herbarium Acronym
- Shipping Address (including state/province, zip/postal code, and country)
- Data or specimen loan
- Study background and requested material
- Number of Specimens
- If your study will require consumptive sampling of specimens (include detail if so)
- If VPI staff should sample specimens and ship samples to me via priority or airmail (US$10/sample).
Banner image of nodding thistle (Carduus nutans) courtesy of Virginia Wildflowers.